Friday, May 27, 2005

Feeling Dry

In general I love most people. I really do. I try to not judge people and I try to act friendly towards people from all walks of life. Different religions, lifestyles, races and age is of no concern. I try to walk as Jesus would, loving everyone. However, lately I have been feeling dry spiritually. What is wrong with me? I have never been "holy" and we all know I struggle with my language but lately I am finding myself ANGRY. I am angry at Christians for being so judgemental and rigid. I am angry at non-christians for being so intollerant and impatient of Christian beliefs. Is there a place for a person like me? I am NOT a fence walker when it comes to my faith. There are so many variations of Christianity yet I haven't felt like I belong in a church (that homey feel) since I was seventeen. I just gave up trying to find a church. I am feeling so dry right now but maybe dry hearts burn stronger and longer when they finally catch fire. I pray that a spark ignites me soon.


At 5:29 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

1. "Godly" persons TRY not to swear, but they don't always succeed.

2. I always claim to be a Christ-follower. I DETEST religion, per se. I want to follow God's will and I know Jesus died for me, so I will be in heaven with him one day. That's pretty much all you need to have in your heart.

3. Unless you're doing something truly WRONG, the guilt you have is coming from the evil one and not from God. While I believe God wants us to worship him with other believers because this strengthens our own faith, I also believe He isn't as hard on us as WE are on ourselves about "going to church."

4. Those guys from the cartoon are truly wonderful people. What a gift for your boy!

5. He's 7 and you're his mom. Of course you have hopes and dreams for him. Since he's a kid, he's gonna try about a million different things. Take a deep breath and you'll be fine.

***hugs to you***

Things will get better.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Zoe Strickman said...

1) It is that burn that keeps me going stronger every day. I know you are talking about feeling dry, and from the dryness comes friction, but keep in mind that if everything were so wet, slippery, and comfortable, you might miss the fact that there is a higher power above you and that should be something that is on your mind all day long. I believe that the universe gives us messages all day long on how we should be living our lives. If you are feeling a bit of dryness, that could be a message that something (spiritual or physical) needs to be paid attention to. There is a part of you that is asking to be nourished. A life without G-d is a dry one.

2) When it comes to religion, the goal is to sort through the dogmas and get down to the essence of what you are supposed to do to serve your Creator. Even Judaism has many sects with various approaches to what it means to serve the Creator, nevertheless, they all have the same Bible and the same rules. It's important to search below the surface and the dogma to figure out what is really flying, and then to stick to it regardless of what your peers tell you. This is your connection between you and G-d.

3) I think there was more to your comment on my site than you wrote. I was hoping that you could elaborate on your last two sentences because I didn't understand what you meant and how you meant them and from where you were getting your opinion. Would you do that for me? [Thanks, it would mean a lot to me because I value your opinion].

PS - Very cute comment regarding the lactose intolerance blog entry. Too many of us get the same way.

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Zoe Strickman said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Zoe Strickman said...

Sorry, I don't know why it posted that twice.


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