Monday, May 02, 2005

A Happy Day

I don't know why but today I am feeling happy. I can't stop smiling and humming and I know I am bugging the crap out of the guy sitting in front of me here in this computer lab but I don't care. I am happy dammit! Yes, the potty mouth comes out even in good moods. Last night was not so happy because the little jedi/sith puked all over the carpet in the living room. I almost hurled myself when cleaning it up because the smell was getting to me. It's just one of those perils of motherhood. Thankfully he is feeling better today. He is feeling better and I am feeling happy. I love being happy. It is my favorite mood of all. Happy Day everyone!


At 8:48 PM, Blogger Zoe Strickman said...

Thank you for your posts on the blog. I just read them and responded to them.

I wanted to communicate to you that it feels good that in a way you have been watching over me. It feels good to be paid attention to. It's lonely being alone, and for now you have comforted me by paying attention to my thoughts, and I wanted you to know that means a lot to me.

I wish to you and your family the same warm feelings as you have given me by caring.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Happy Day indeed!


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