Sunday, April 24, 2005


Curse those who invented ringtones! Night and day I listen to samples. For my husband, REM's The One I Love, for my mom something by Queen (ha ha), and for the house phone, the theme from Peanuts. I could buy them all and change them daily. And now they have movie line quotes?! Please, never let Napolean Dynamite sayings make it out there. How would I be able to resist hearing Kip state "You know I'm training to become a cage fighter" everytime someone called?


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Zoe Strickman said...

Hi there, I didn't know where to write you back; I hope you don't mind me doing it here. I wanted to thank you for writing the comments on my blog. You have good questions. I have limited access to the web but I will write you back as soon as I have an internet connection for more than 5 minutes at a time.

Warm Regards,

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I would choose, "You're jealous cuz I talk to babes on the internet all day." or "Eat the FOOD Tina, you fat lard."


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Daphnewood said...

Yeah, but could you imagine "Tina, you fat lard!" going off in church? I personally would die of laughter but I am thinking of that old biddy with the ugly hat and evil gaze in front of me.


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