Saturday, March 26, 2005

Graduation: Big Deal or Not?

I graduate very soon. My last graduation was in 1988 when I graduated from high school. Now, 17 years later I am finally going to finish my first bachelor's degree. Is it a big deal? I am getting the feeling it is not. I have recently won an award for some type of student leadership. Plus I got a letter this past week saying I am in the top 10% of my class so I will graduate with honors. That is kind of cool. Very surprising but cool. My husband is a doctor so he doesn't really view this as an accomplishment. Or if he does he doesn't act like it is. Men are hard to read sometimes. But I refuse to turn my blog into a male bashing forum. What is the point of that? I was just wondering how a college education got so cheap. I do plan to go to graduate school but will that even be enough? Tons of people have master degrees nowadays. So maybe I shouldn't be bothered by the apathetic attitudes I have encountered. So I guess the answer is that it is a big deal and not a big deal all in one. Hey, isn't that what I just learned in college? Nothing is truly black or white, just shades of gray? Something freaky is going on here......


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

It's a big deal. I graduated HS in 1991 and I'm still working on my bachelors' off and on. Mostly off right now while my hubby finishes his and then on to seminary.

My point being that it's a big deal for you. People in "academia" are always having big plans to further their education beyond their own capabilities (seen it a million times!) but this is a HUGE deal for you. You're graduating!



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