Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Youth of Today

I have been reading some interesting blogs lately done by teens. I have to admit I am surprised by these select few that have captured my attention. Being the parent of a teenager daughter and a (soon to be) teenage son I am often "lost" to what motivates the youth of today. It is refreshing to see that kids think about things other than the opposite sex and fashion. I know when I was younger I thought about more than that too but something happens when you hit your 30's. You just assume that the youth of today is dull and nothing more than walking hormones but then reality slowly creeps in. You finally figure out that it is you that is dull from years of "chasing the American dream" and it's you who has hormones out of whack from years of caffeine addiction. I think I will approach today with the patience of an adult and the intensity of a teen. That ought to give the world a fresh new look.


At 5:39 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Teenagers. God love 'em.

My Mindy *niece* can be incredibly sensitive and loving, or distant, all in the same few-minute span.

I think sometimes she remembers nothing we've worked so hard to teach her, and then I overhear her on the phone talking to one of her friends, telling them WHY they shouldn't have sex or smoke or do drugs.

And then I thank God for giving me the patience to love her even through these trials.

At 1:44 AM, Blogger the autophobe said...

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