Monday, January 30, 2006

This Is How Phobias Begin

I have been very nervous behind the wheel since seeing that horrible accident the other night. I am more nervous at red lights than anything. I can see that if I let this get to me, it could develop into a full blown phobia. I will not let it get that far. I once wrote about a family friend that had died. He died in a freak elevator accident. I was very nervous using elevators for a long time but knew real life would be hindered if I avoided them forever. I am cautious near them but can step into them and push the buttons and calmly exit them when I reached my floor. I know driving will be the same situation. I will be a little more aware of my surroundings but I will not let this accident control my life. Today I drove my son to the doctor. I even drove through McDonalds to buy him an Egg McMuffin. Life goes on.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Chipper said...

Good for you for contiuing on with driving. Indeed life goes on, as it was meant to be that you are still here among us and were not in that woman's place. Time will heal this trauma as it does with all wounds. You are in my thoughts and prayers today as is that woman's family.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger kimananda said...

Well, said...I cannot imagine how you must feel, but being aware of how you feel while still continuing to do the things you want to are in my thoughts as well.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

How frightening, but good for you for getting on with life.


At 11:54 AM, Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

You're so right... i've been really nervous since your accident and all i did was read your account of it. I'm glad you're still driving- I know there's a fall-off-the-horse analogy in there somewhere that could be inspirational.

You know what, though. I think if it's stressful to drive, then keep it to the minimum essentials. stressful can be very exhausting. There's nothing wrong with taking it slow and easy until you get back to your confident self again.
take care


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