Monday, February 13, 2006

The Seriousness of Allergies

I have sensitive skin. I have to use the same detergent when washing clothes or else my skin breaks out in a rash. I use the cheap Purex because Tide leaves me itchy and looking like ai have measels. Except for bee allergies and peanut allergies, most allergies are just more irritation than anything. Today I found another reason to hate allergies.

I had a TB test done in January and a second one done on friday. It is now protocol to do two tests when they patient has not had a TB test in over 2 years. No big deal. I am not high risk or anything. The first test went smoothly. No problems. Then last friday when I got the skin test my arm started itching. It got red and swollen and the bump went crazy. Did this mean I have a positive TB test? Mr. Daphnewood said "that is not a normal test." He told me don't worry because a positive TB test doesn't mean you have TB, it doesn't mean you had TB at one time and it doesn't mean you will get it. It just means you have been exposed to someone with TB. Great. He said it looked like an allergic reaction. He was sending me into the clinic for a second opinion.

I went in the clinic today with my arm still itchy but not so red. The nurse said she was not convinced it was positive. I told her what I experienced over the weekend. She too felt it was an allergic reaction. She said she has had patients with the same allergy before (something about the preservative used in the injection). She asked if I had shortness of breath, coughing fits, spitting up blood. No, no and no. She drew lines all over my arm. Measured the red circles and finally said "I am marking it negative". She said if she made it positive then I would be required to get a chest x-ray and take some medication. Not fun. Instead, I am recommended to retake my TB in May and be sure to dose up on benedryl before coming in. No problem.


At 2:37 PM, Blogger Chipper said...

I'm glad it was negative--even if you ahev only been exposed to it-you have to take quite a regimine ot drugs which are pretty expensive.
Sorry to hear you have allergies--I hope your little one doesn't have any. They can be such a pain! (I have to use an industrial air purifier in my house in the summer.)

At 11:41 AM, Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

ooo I hope it was just allergies Daphne. I bet next time with the benadryl it'll be (more certainly) negative.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Ick. I hate TB skin tests. I hate needles. And allergic reactions are the worst. And so is Tide, because of the itchies. Even though it smells really good.



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