Monday, February 19, 2007

I Must Change

Well, it finally happened. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and was told I was borderline diabetic. I tried taking this medicine she prescribed but it made me feel terrible. Isn't medicine suppose to make you feel better? So I stopped taking it. I started a regular exercise program. At least five times a week. I haven't eaten red meat except 1 time in the past month. The fact of the matter is that I must change. Whatever I have been trying in the past has not worked so now I have to do it their way. It sucks to be me right now.


At 2:33 PM, Blogger Rick said...

Hang in there, it WILL get better. I've been through several life-changing events in the last decade and it sucks at the time, but always gets better.

At 11:11 PM, Blogger kimananda said...

As Mr. American says, we're your cheerleading bloggers, so keep us posted on how it's going, yes?

At 7:10 AM, Blogger Al said...

I am a diabetic, so I know what you are going through. Hang in there. It's not so tough. You just need to do the things you should be doing anyway.
So did the doctor prescribe Metformin? I had a real hard time with that one. Gliburide worked a lot better and no side effects.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

oh net mom i been a debetic since i was a tot u can get thru this it sucks trust me but i have mikey pushin me and need b i will push u!

miss u around are blog!

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Daphnewood said...

Rick, thanks for the encouraging words. I know I will get over this. I've already informed my doctor that I will NOT be taking meds for the rest of my life. She thinks that is possible if I just lose some weight and eat right.

SA, I am ALWAYS good to myself ;) Thanks for cheering me on!

Kim, will you wear one of those skimpy skirts with pompoms? Just kidding. Thanks again. I will definitely be keeping you posted. You make me feel loved :)

Al, you pegged it right on! Metformin is the evil culprit. No more for me. I stopped on friday and it was heaven this past weekend being able to sleep, eat, walk, sit without hurting. I never felt bloated like that even when I was pregnant! just horrible. I haven't yet heard what my new torture will be (meds).

Ryan, I was checking your blog but you were at the NASCAR thingy. Did you see Roy Oswalt (pitcher for Houston)? He had pit passes too. When I think about my self induced diabetes compared to your juvenile diabetes I feel so guilty. My cousin died at age 31 because of juvenile diabetes. He just wore out his kidneys. And here I am lamenting that I can't eat Krispy Kreme anymore. You just keep pushing me kiddo. I need it for sure. I feel good that I walked that extra lap this morning.

TO ALL: thank you so much! I feel empowered!


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