Monday, July 25, 2005

A Question for Anyone in States Other Than California or Texas

I am trying to register the kids for school in Kansas and I was told there are "fees" to pay for public school. I was born and raised in California and public was free. We didn't even have to have any supplies except for paper and a pencil. When I moved to Texas I thought it was odd that they would hand out school supply lists that needed to be filled before school started. I was shocked that I was required to buy soap and paper towels for the classroom as well as tissue. The mandatory school supplies cost me about $25 to $50. So now I am here in Kansas and not only do they have you buy supplies but there is this fee payment that is due. It covers things like "text book charge" and I.D. cards and all the things that universities nickel and dime you to death over. These fees run about $100 to $200 (per student and I have 3) and it also costs $80 or $90 a semester to ride the school bus. I have not heard how often I have to pay these fees but I am thinking it is twice a year too like the bus plus the cost of school supplies. So here is my question:

Does any other state charge fees to attend PUBLIC SCHOOL?

I would like to know how it is in other parts of America. Maybe I am over reacting because I have come from cake states that cover fees like textbooks and computer lab usage. Please, all of my blogger friends, give me feedback on this one. I am wondering why not choose private school anyway although fees would be monthly instead of semesterly.


At 11:30 AM, Blogger Rowan said...

I'm not american, but here in ontario, public school is free, the only thing we do have to "donation" that they pretty much guilt you into paying for nutritional snack program (they want 20 bucks per kid per year) so they can provide every classroom with fresh fruits so that if a kid is hungry, they just help themselves.

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Kim said...

I'm in Wisconsin, and our public schools don't cost anything to the parent directly, other than the basic school supplies.

At 5:35 PM, Blogger Daisy said...

not free here in Ohio daphne, costs me 25 bucks a tear, plus firld trips if there are any.
then i also have the dreaded school supply list--things they need at the start of school, but sometimes never use. they will both be in middle school this year and the teachers all want different things.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Daisy said...

i cant spell!
should be a "year" and "field" hehe..fingers were going too fast in the wrong directions :)

At 7:49 AM, Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

No, there is no charge in Virginia, WV, or South Carolina.

At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No charge in VA, but my sister had to pay $10 (or something small) for film for her black and white photography class in high school.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Thomas said...

Here in Michigan, free is free, unless you actually want your child to participate in anything.

Activities fees range from $20 to $1500 a calendar year per child depending on how many things your little one does. I will say that in East Grand Rapids, that includes Field Hockey/Lacrosse and Crew (rowing.)


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