Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Recount

My Easter was very peaceful. I did not go to church. I know, you're probably thinking "not even on Easter?! What a heathen!" But three different things can happen when you go to a church that isn't your own for Easter. 1) people judge you and shame you for only attending church on Easter and Christmas 2) church members think this is prime time to jump on you and try to get you involved in their church thus prompting several 'sales pitches' about the attributes of the church or 3) nothing at all. You sit thru a sermon and thank God for His gift of life.

I didn't like my odds. Okay I am joking (somewhat) about that. Really, yesterday morning I was running fever and felt very sick. I hid some eggs around the house for the kids then fell asleep. I barely ate anything but watched the Astros game in the late afternoon (they won!). I hope everyone else had a fantastic Easter.

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A flashback Easter pic: Daphnewood on Easter morning 1973. I know you are all jealous of my go-go boots.


At 7:09 AM, Blogger Chipper said...

I didn't go to church either, and I know exactly what you mean ab. the possibilities that come along with being an occasional worshipper (I always find myself signed up for some commitee by the time the service has ended) Hope you're feeling better soon!

Oh! I like the new quotes on your sidebar. Too funny.

At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, me too re: church, and felt really bad about it. I hate missing but circumstances prevented it. So I had my own "service" at home. Love the go-go boots and yes I am jealous!

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Al said...

Since stepdaughter and significant other and grandkid moved in with us this weekend I needed some serious "Churchifyin" this weekend, not to mention the Easter bit. Afterwards I made Roast Pork Tenderloin in Cranberry Chutney and Garlic. YUMMMM

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I was baptized on Easter morning of 1973. I was two months old. hehe

Cute pic.

Worry not about the church thing. I keep telling you, God knows what's in your heart, dear lady.


At 6:03 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

i didnt go 2 church either so i am in your boat hope thats ok!

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Rowan said...

M talked me out of church and I had a freaking migraine from hell all day Easter, so I too slept a lot and rested and couldn't wait for a dinner that we didn't have to cook (which was nice for a change -- I'm sure you know why).

Also wanted to let you know, my daughter just bought her very first pair of white go-go boots. She was upset that they didn't have any lavendar (like Daphne of ScoobyDoo) but she's all the rage in her grade 5 class.


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