Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I read an article on yahoo today about obesity that basically said that obese women get a double whammy for being fat and for being female. Yeah yeah yeah, we have all heard that one before and I know it is true. Women get more strife for being fat than a man does. It is because women are valued for their looks. Times are achangin' tho and soon women will be valued for their brains and work ethic like men are. ANYWAY, I got seriously sidetracked. The point I was going to make was that the article stated that poverty was an indicator in obesity risk. Poor people are fatter people. Isn't that a total switch from history? Fat meant wealthy. Opulent went hand in hand with corpulent. Now it has reversed. It is a strange world.


At 3:22 AM, Blogger kimananda said...

It's a strange fact, but totally logical...the truth is that, in many areas of the world, healthier food costs more. I know in Denmark, vegetables, meat, and fish are much more expensive than pre-packaged food. I would imagine that holds true for the States, as well.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Rowan said...

it is strange for sure, but I think it might (and I hate to stereotype because I am overweight as you know) but poorer folk can afford fast food, while the wealthier can afford gym memberships and dining out in a healthier restaurant.

At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand it either.


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