Thursday, November 09, 2006

Married to a Nerd

I love my husband. He really is the most adorable creature created by God when he isn't being obnoxious. Sadly, he uses most of his waking hours to be obnoxious. He is also a brainiac. He keeps his homepage of his computer set to Medscape Headlines. Don't these article titles look riveting?

Surgical Myotomy Better Than Pneumatic Dilatation for Achalasia

EGFR Mutations Predict Lung Cancer Response to Gefitinib

Pallidal Deep-Brain Stimulation Beneficial in Dystonia

For me, it is like a forgeign language that occasionally I might understand one or two words. But we both speak the language of love and that's good enough for me.


At 7:05 AM, Blogger Al said...

You can't belong to the club unless you know the secret password.
Sometimes at work I swear we have entire comversations where no a single word of English is spoken except for cennectives.

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet it'd be really funny if you tried to seduce them with those words. See what happens.

"Oooo BABY, I just love it when you rub my Achalasia!"

At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'He really is the most adorable creature created by God when he isn't being obnoxious. Sadly, he uses most of his waking hours to be obnoxious.'

Yep, sounds like you've got one like mine (or, since you've been with yours for much longer, I suppose technically, I've got one like yours). I often remind myself that they're more fun like that. Sometimes I even believe it.

At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, obnoxious. My hubby is a history genius, military history in particular, and he thinks I should know A-Z about the begining of time till now, all about Ceasar, Napoleon's strategies and accomplishments, Patton, the Crusades, how the downfall of the Alamo came about-you name it. Yeah, and I'd like to see him crochet a shawl and do all the lovely beading I do, too!

At 5:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nerds are cool. I'm a nerd sometimes. But not as nerdy as your Mr. D... cuz I haven't the vaguest clue what those headlines mean... hehe


Have a loverly weekend, Miss.


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