Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Letting My Light Shine

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I had a conversation with my wise husband this morning. I told him I was a little disconcerted about a comment someone left on my blog about Katrina and God's anger and our lack of holiness. I told him it bothers me when people have this 'turn or burn' attitude. I seriously thought about deleting the comment but I am not going to now. I want all of my non-believer blogging friends to see the difference between that type of Christian and me. Jesus is my anchor. He helps me through all things in life, good and bad. Mostly, Jesus encourages me to love. It isn't about being good or doing good things. It isn't even about loving people so they can love you back. I just want to show everyone love in the same way that Jesus did. He loved the angry crowd that mocked him while He was on the cross. He said "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." I want to be like that. Don't point out other people's faults. What good does it do? It just angers and alienates them. My wise husband said he always liked the old hymn "They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love". That is me. I don't want to preach. I don't want to hate. I want to be the silent witness that lets her light shine so people can see God's kingdom is big enough for us all no matter where you are in life. Jesus accepted every outcast he came across. He accepted them just as they were (drunks, whores, thieves, etc.) and counted them as equals. That offer still stands. I am so thankful for that because I am one gambling potty-mouth that would be in big trouble!

image taken from Microsoft Clipart


At 7:05 AM, Blogger Rowan said...

Ok, will hae to go back and read comment, but I just want to say, doesn't everyone want to be like that? Forgiving and loving? I know I do.

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Go girl! That's exactly the way you should be. I am so proud to call you my friend. In the midst of a mad world, you are not only common sense, but exactly as Jesus wants us to be.



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