Friday, August 26, 2005

Parents, It's Raining Outside!

I do not understand this town. This morning I saw DOZENS of kids walking to school or waiting for buses in the rain. This is no big deal as some people do not have cars or money for buses sinces they charge to ride the school bus out here. However, I object to seeing these DOZENS of children walking or waiting without an umbrella or rain gear. One boy was covered up with a hooded sweatshirt. Yeah, that will be a nice soggy mess by the time he gets to school. One little girl (no older than 9) had jeans and a long sleeve shirt only. Don't they realize how cold they will be inside the classroom? It isn't cold outside, just wet. An umbrella cost $3 at Wal-Mart. I know this because I bought 3, one for each kid. The plastic ponchos were only $1.68. I feel like going and buying $30 dollars worth and handing them out at the bus stop. Please parents, cover up your kids! Am I crazy to feel horror at this? Please blogger buddies tell me if I am way off base here.


At 7:41 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Wow, the poor soggy little ones! I hate being wet like that, too.

You have such a big heart, Daphne, dear. **hugs**

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Whisper said...

Yeah, it's stupid to have to pay for so much. I wonder if they knew that if they make buses and such free, they would have more students?

At 10:17 PM, Blogger SunGrooveTheory said...

I'm completely with you here, Daphne. As someone who is unable to bear children of her own, I have to say that I often overreact to little things like this. I'm glad to see that someone else notices, too.

Two days ago in a restaurant, one of the patrons put the baby-carrier in the floor next to his chair, with a six-week-old baby in it. I watched, waiting for him to pick it back up or move it. No, he received his steak dinner and proceded eating, while the kid still was on the floor. I got up, walked over to his table, picked up the baby-carrier, placed it in the chair adjacent to his, slid the chair in so that the carrier wouldn't go anywhere, then proceded to smile and make googly faces at the baby. When I felt like I had a sufficient amount of the gentleman's attention, I laughed and smiled at him too. I said, "I'm sorry, I'm just so paranoid. I could just see one of the servers walking through here and tripping over that. And we don't want the baby to get smushed, do we?" I adopted the baby-voice for the last question, and played with the baby a little more, then went back to my table.
I think I was sufficiently nice enough not to offend the guy, but seriously, now!!! I was almost furious when I first saw he was just going to leave the baby in its carrier in the floor, and I'm surprised he didn't ask what a strange woman was doing picking up his kid and moving it!!!


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