Friday, October 28, 2005

Flashback Friday: Halloween and My Boys

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This was Little Man's first Halloween. I had to work so Mr. Daphnewood got to take the kids Trick-or-Treating. Little Man is a tiger, M-boy is Data from Star Trek: Next Generation and Mouse is a bat. She made that costume all by herself with stuff she found around the house. I thought it was so cute I let her go just as she wanted.

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This is the the first day of Little Man's life. It was very sweet because M-boy always asked to hold "his baby" everyday after school. He would come home, get on the couch and hold out his arms for me to hand him the baby. If Little Man would start fussing he would say "don't cry baby. Don't cry baby." He never called him by name for several months. Of course now he just tells Little Man "shut up!"

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This picture sums up why I am so doomed. This is Little Man at around 15 months old with M-boy by his side at age 6. Can you say 'no' to that face? Be it combination locks from the tooth fairy or giving him his own special cinnamon sugar shaker so he can make toast every morning, I am always a sucker. Actually, I am very good at saying 'no' when it really matters but I do give in a lot to little things like I just mentioned. I want to know, what was your favorite Halloween costume you wore or one you saw? Also tell me if you have ever been wrapped around someone's finger or had anyone else wrapped. I need to hear these stories so I don't feel like I am the only wimp in the world.


At 4:31 AM, Blogger kimananda said...

O.K., I've started to tell me Halloween, getting things from Mom story, but it's a bit long. I suspect you might find it as a post on my blog sometime before Halloween day itself.

Your kids are cute! They must take after you. :-)

At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, what cutie pies!

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Rowan said...

beautiful kiddies.
yeah, I'm a softie like that too.
I think my favourite costume I was was the hula but cold
I loved my daughter's dorothy from the wizard of oz costume and her maleficient costume too (which I sometimes have been known toborrow).
My nephew David used to crack me up. When my son was born, he used to try to keep him hushed and happy, and he'd sing his very own song he wrote (he was 3) "1-2-3 That's a nice baby!" I thought that was too cool, ya know, rhyming and everything like it does.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Daisy said...

Have you seen a pic of my youngest? VERY hard to say no to him, but like you, can say no to the importnat things. Ya gotta pick your battles, ya know?

Ask Spencer about the year he dressed up as Boy George..hehe, see if he remembers.....and yes, i still had no clue that he was gay :) I went as a punk rocker that year, I am pretty sure that was the last year we went Trick-or Treating.

The party tomorrow night is not a dress up party I have found out. Sorry Daph, but I can still have enough fun for us both :) The kids are sick, so hubby and the older two will not be going camping after all. SO now I will definitely have to behave at the party :) lol
see ya soon sister friend xoxo

At 1:26 PM, Blogger The mini ninja said...

The "suckee" (me being the sucker) in my life would be Jason, as I have no children right now. I swear one moment I am MAD AS A BAT OUT OF HELL and the next he is pouting, stick his beautiful lower lip out, hugging me, telling me he loves me, and BAM I'm like putty. (Of course, I try to put up a good fight, but I never manage to be mad longer than about an hour max.)

My friend just told me he's putting his head through a gigantic hand and a watch around his waist. He is the "shocker". THAT is probably the best costume I've ever heard of!

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Whisper said...

My little brother, Sean, has my uncle wrapped around his little fingers. As for the best costuume, I saw it after I chose mine for the year, but it was a rather short, blue kimono. It looked so awesome! ^^

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Everyone of your kids are adorable. I can imagine you had a time keeping him off the piano.

Also sorry about your Astros NetMom. They'll get em next year but the Braves still come first:)


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