Friday, October 21, 2005

Flashback Friday: Pictures As Ammo

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Today's flashback picture is a baby picture of my daughter. My friend from the pictures last friday gave me this tie-dyed onesie for Mouse when she was born. Paca had gone up to Berkley, CA (aka Berzerkley) and found this baby clothing gem and had to buy it. Of course, once putting it on my daughter she instantly got this 'rebel' attitude. Please, note the the infant giving the middle finger to her great aunt. I am just joking. My daughter is actually one of the best behaved kids I have ever met. I just like to embarrass her and say "look at what a trouble maker you were!" So, I want to hear your embarrassing stories that your mom holds over your head or if you are a parent, tell me what kind of stories do you torment your children with. Yes, I just ended that sentence with a preposition. Deal with it.


At 5:40 AM, Blogger kimananda said...

Well, the first time I met my little brother (he must have been about 3 days old at the time, or maybe younger, however long they kept them in the hopital after the birth at that time), it was at my maternal grandparents house. They had of course laid on some good food in honor of the first official visit of their new grandkid.

I, being a bratty almost four-year-old was very interested in the food. So much so, that when my mother asked me politely if I would like to meet my new baby brother, I apparently responded with 'I'd rather have a pickle.' That line will follow me to my dying day.

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cute little girl! How old was she in this picture?

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Rowan said...

she looks like a little doll!
My boy had a tie dyed sleeper from the local fair. They are too cute huh?

At 12:06 PM, Blogger portuguesa nova said...

Oh God, my mom's is so bad:

"Remember the time we were on vacation and you had heat stroke so badly that you couldn't keep anything down, so the doctor made you take your pills in suppository form and you refused, so I had to force it into you?!" hahahaha.

Very funny story, mom. I always get a good chuckle out of stories involving having things shoved up my butt.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Whisper said...

Let's see. What does, or did my mother hold over my head.. Ah, I found one. We all have 'Idian name's' My brother's are, 'Little Elf', and 'Bull with Fist'(Before being, 'Little Cow') Well, mine is Buttihaha. (Butt-Tee-Hah-Hah) Do to the fact I was born butt-first. That's been held above me a million times. Lol. Love ya mum.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I love you! Why? Because you didn't try to take the time to form a different sentence. You accepted "with" at the end of your sentence, knowing it didn't have to be absolutely perfect. You freakin' RAWK, my sistahhhhhhhh!

The story: I was 4 and asked my mom was in her GIGANTIC box of New Freedom Maxi pads. She told me they were "bandages" because I also noticed them in the trash.

You'd think not a big deal at all, until our neighbor got hurt working in the field next to our house and my mom asked me to run inside and get a Bandaid. (Brand Adhesive Bandages) is what I thought. So guess what this curly-mopped redhead toted across the yard to give to the neighbor!

Yep, the box of New Freedom which was as big as me.

My parents love telling that one.


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