Sunday, March 05, 2006

Are You Blind?!

I finally put the video (the one that failed) up at I know I can add it to my blog but I figure why make anyone watch a video of my kid when they don't have to. Here is the link: Are You Blind?! Little Man and I were at the Smithsonian Natural History museum during this one. He really doesn't act so disrespectful usually. I think he was just incredulous that I would ask such a question of him.

ps. I needed to edit it but I forgot to cut the end part off.


At 5:01 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

that was cool mom thanx 4 sharing with us.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

little man is to cute and funny

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Al said...

Kids are such a trip. You send them over to spend the night at a friends, and you hear later "My what a well spoken, well behaved child!" and you wonder where YOUR kid was at the time. Then they turn around and embarrass the heck out of you in public. Go figure!

At 3:54 PM, Blogger Daisy said...

LOLLLLLL....I love it!
Sounds like my middle son...he knows so much about dinosaurs and gets so upset because we can't/don't follow along when he is telling us things.
Are you blind? Look at those teeth....yup, sounds just like Kyle
ty for sharing...made my day!

At 5:36 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

- Your voice is so lovely, and totally different than I imagined. I always forget that you were not born and raised in Texas, but California. :-)

- Do your children always come up with cute stuff like this? How awesome. Must be his parents' influence.

- Seriously. ARE you blind?

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Chipper said...

Ahahaha! Too cute. Kids are so great! It was also cool to put a voice with a blog. ;-)


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