Thursday, June 22, 2006

I Can Be So Evil

I was thinking about Beyonce and her brush with PETA. I honestly did not read the entire article nor am a fan of PETA or Beyonce. I just think it was sneaky what they did but perfectly in their rights to do so. I am not sure how Beyonce reacted but things like that wouldn't even bother me in the slightest. Oh no. If they want to whip out videos of slaughtered animals I would say "oh tragic! Do you want to watch "The Silent Scream" now?" Then I would show video of our soldiers being killed fighting for PETA's freedom to crash parties and spread the word about fur. Then I would show video footage of all the refugees in the world dying because they do not have enough to eat and the little food they do get doesn't have enough vitamins in it to sustain life and a steak would do them good. Then I would tell them how plants shrink away in pain when picked, cut, bent or marred in any fashion. Those selfish plant killers! Then I would call security and ask them to please escort these people out but to be sure and give them a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken for their efforts.

Seriously, I really don't think PETA did anything wrong by bidding for seats to the dinner but their tactics remind me of the Spanish Inquisition. It makes it hard to take their cause serious. Still the dinner stunt was a lot better than the throwing paint crap they use to do. Or do they still do that? ah whatever.

I started a new blog about baseball to keep my Astros talk off of this one. If you like the Astros or baseball feel free to read. If you don't, don't worry about it. It is just a way to get it out of my system. Roger Clemens pitches tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for him!


At 5:48 AM, Blogger Daisy said...

Got your email Daph...thank you very much. I am finishing up a few small things(computer just HAS to be last, ya know? lol) and then we are hitting the road. I will let you know when I am there and when things setlle down a bit, I will call you :)
Thank you for everything :)
Hugs sister friend

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Al said...

Your mentioning the plant killers reminded me of a poem. Go to your nearest search engine and search for "Vegetarians Nightmare" by Baxter Black. He is probably the nations best known Cowboy Poet, and I find this one especially good.

At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooch, ouch, ouch. I'm an admitted animal-lovin' tree-hugger! Granted I don't go to extremes but I try and make small differences where I can. On the otherhand, I work for a friggin newspaper! How many forests and natural habitats does that industry clean out?!!

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Daphnewood said...

Daisy, I heard you had some serious weather up there. I hope you got out okay and intothe sun-shiney shores of Florida :)

Al, I will google that and let you know.

Vickie, oh honey let me tell you, I am not this extreme either. In fact, I am pro-life but if one of those pro-lifers used their terrorist techniques on me I would be just as vicious to them. I would show them images of refugees dying in the street and ask them, just how many unwanted children have you adopted? I am a rebel in that way. It is a flaw, I know, but it defines me.

At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you there, Rebel! You're not flawed! The Lord above sees what's going on here and if the rest of us cannot acknowledge we've got a lot of taking care of to do with the problems we've already got, without adding more problems, then we will have a lot to answer for. I've seen the news, documentaries, etc., on the refugees and it breaks your heart, not to mention those we can't even take care of in our own city, state, country. You go girl!

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Chipper said...

I understand and agree with what you were saying but PETA's tactics worked...after all...we're still talking about it days later. I do think PETA has a good basis, but that their fanatical ways are causing their organization members to be viewed as crazed fanatics.


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