Thursday, August 04, 2005

Farmer's Bounty

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We went to the Farmer's Market yesterday and got some yummy food. I personally cannot stand canteloupe but my family loves it. The smell gets to me and this certain canteloupe stunk to high heaven. I made them eat it immediately which got no argument whatsoever. The tomatoes at this market are fabulous. I have even learned the difference between some of the red ones. I know that I prefer Brandywine and Jetstar tomatoes over all others. Did you know that there were so many brands? I am a city girl so these things are a blast for me. It's like going to a foreign country without a passport and everyone speaks english. A real cultural experience that all should try once in their life.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Rowan said...

that looks amazing, with you on the cantelope, smells like the most god awful smell I can imagine. I hate the stuff, my crap smells more edible.

I am learning more about les tomattes lately too! I have Early Girls (just starting to ripen more now) and cherry tomatoes in my backyard, pain in the arse too, cause keep having to restake the pluckers.

At 4:41 AM, Blogger Daphnewood said...

Spencer, those are blueberries and blackberries that you see. Except for the cucumbers and one peach the entire lot is GONE. I live with savages ;-)

Rowan, what a good girl for having a garden. I am a big fan of them now which I never had been before. Last year when my son was six he planted things on his own and they grew! so my husband helped him out and they had more cucumbers than we could eat, okra and chinese eggplant. The cherry tomatoes never took off too well :(

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

I hear you on the canteloupe! I have been so disgusted with them lately. I used to like them, but this summer, EWWW.

In our small town, we have only a tiny farmer's market, but my neighbors and my parents and THEIR neighbors provide whatever produce you could possibly want.

My NDN plants about 50 tomato plants and grants us carte blanche of whatever we want to get from their garden, whenever we want it.


So glad you're loving your new city.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Daisy said...

i cant stand the smell of cantelope either. i used to work in the produce section of the grocery store....i can make a mean watermelon bost :D
have a great weekend :)

At 6:16 PM, Blogger kimananda said...

Hey, this stuff looks great! And if your family leaves any cantaloupe, let me know...I love the stuff!


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