Thursday, March 16, 2006

The MMR Is Spicy?

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Yesterday I had to take Mouse and Little Man to get some immunizations. I am somewhat anti-immunizations because I believe M-Boy's autism was triggered by a seizure that happened after getting his DTP at age 18 months. I don't know. Call it mother's intuition or whatever, I just know the change in my son was instantaneous.

Anyway so off to the doctor's office I took Mouse and Little Man. Their doctor is wonderful. She told them "well, the DTaP and OPV do not hurt but I have to tell you that the MMR kind of hurts. It burns a little." Little Man is so brave and was trying to be an example for his overly nervous older sister. He said "That's okay, I like spicy food!"

And for the record, Little Man did not cry and Mouse did not faint. It was a good day.


At 7:58 AM, Blogger Al said...

My older brother is this macho sports freak competetive lawyer type. WHen he goes to the doctor, if they get a needle within six inches of his skin, boom, out go the lights. It enbarrases the heck out of him, and i find it highly amusing. I was a medic in the Army, so I saw every possible reaction.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waldo area is around 75th and Wornall, probaly less than a mile from State Line Rd. Glad that I caught on to your blog, thanks to another super blogger, Jayleigh!

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

- I've heard that about shots before. How disheartening and awful!

- I wondered how long it would take for you and Vickie to start talking without my intervention. hehehe You know, Joyce from my blog lives in KS too!

At 6:04 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

that is awesome coz needles still freak me out and i use them a lot with my diabetes.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Little Man sounds like he's growing up.

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

Mother's intuition has been right more times than not. He sounds so cute.


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