Friday, October 13, 2006

All To Myself

Mr. Daphnewood is on vacation starting today at noon. He was supposed to be on vacation last night but you know how it goes. When he gets back from his conference in Colorado on Sunday afternoon, I will have him all to myself. The kids will be in school for most of the day monday through friday so I won't have to share during that time. He will probably make me cook way more than I like to but I won't mind as long as he is doing a little cooking of his own he he he. Have a great weekend everyone.


At 1:42 PM, Blogger Rick said...

Wait. Back the truck up. He's on vacation, but getting back from a conference on Sunday? What's he doing today and tomorrow, presenting... on the slopes?

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Whisper said...

Tigre actually gets vacations? - Gasp - I would have never guessed. Sorry I haven't commented in like.. Forever, Mum. but As MauMau knows, I can't get on too often now. ^^; Love ya!


At 5:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time with Mr. Daphnewood. And get him to cook, a lot. After all, he can't cook for you while he's working, can he? So, he should enjoy that opportunity as well! :-)


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