African Writers
I just finished reading Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. I have now started reading Devil On The Cross by Ngugi. These are assigned texts for non-western texts class. Basically, these authors are both African and are outspoken about neo-colonial imperialism. That is a hefty thing to be against. I truly see the point of Chinua Achebe, that Africa had a culture that was not as primitive as writers like Joseph Conrad would have you believe. It was organized and no more violent than any other culture throughout history. However, I feel that both writers are more nostalgic than they care to admit. Yes, things do fall apart and times change but the world is round and everything will come full circle. They should not lament the past and look towards the future. England and Christianity may have changed Nigeria but how can Nigeria change England and Christianity? This should be the focus instead of trying to recapture time. Move forward and take the good things with you and leave the bad behind.